Egyptian SummerDripping with golden goodness
I absolutely love it when people approach me with insane ideas for photos. Dosh was no exception. The purpose behind this shoot was for the promotion of his upcoming EP release, "Egyptian Summer" and the first thing he told me was that he wanted to be gold and thats exactly what we did.
With the help of my good friend Matt, we painted Dosh's head, torso and arms gold. Obviously though that wasn't enough. Dosh not only wanted to be painted gold but he wanted to be dripping with it. So, we ended up making a foul cup of goop made of tempera paint, body paint, glitter and water and we dumped it all over his face and chest. He was basically blind during the entire process.
I think in the end, getting paint in the eyes and terrorizing students while walking back and forth to the bathroom was well worth it!
Check Dosh's music at: